Monday, December 23, 2013

Xmas presents

A very short post from me today, to show that I'm still alive (and kicking).

I've been really busy building the content for my little DaWanda shop, which is now starting to look like a real shop. I'm really proud with how it's all starting to come together. Still not completely there yet, but people do seem to start noticing it and are buying Traveler's Notebooks. So I'm happy about that.

It does mean I have less time for other things, especially with the holidays planning and presents for the people I love. Still I thought I'd share one of the presents I made for them. I can't show the rest yet, because, well, that would spoil the surprise =)

I made a new agenda for my mother. It took me forever and a day to complete, because neither word, nor the printer wanted to cooperate with me. But I made it and shared the files on my Midori TN free inserts page for those of you who would like to make their own.

Here are a few pictures of the content....ok, maybe not so short after all...

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Art Journal Journey Theme for December

A while back Susi from Art Journal Journey asked me if I would like to think of a theme for December. I immediately said yes, because I love joining in the Art Journal Journey montly prompts. I thought a bit for a while and finally came up with the theme "Dark and Light".

I think (hope) this theme leaves enough room for play and still ties in with the overall December theme. She also asked me to make an example.

So here it is, I even found a quote that ties in with the theme wonderfully.

There is in every true woman's heart, a spark of heavenly fire,
which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity,
but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.
- Washington Irving

I made some progress pics and detail shots, but forgot to turn the camera on and make a film.