Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Summer of Color 3, week 4 - charcoal grey and pale pink

I actually made two projects for the Summer of Color this week. I started with a journal page, that at first went horribly wrong. While I was thinking about how to proceed with the journal page I made two ATC's. I think they turned out really cute.

I finally knew how I wanted to finish my journal page and even made a video.

Since I filmed the whole process, I don't have progress pics, but I do have loads of detail shots. So be warned, this is a picture heavy post.

I'm planning to sent these ATC's out, so I also made little card holders to put them in.

I attached a elastic from my stash to the card holders. It was white at first, so I used vintage photo to give it this lovely color.

The ATC slips nicely under the elastic band.

Here's the complete set.

So now for the journal page and a complete picture overload.

I do feel I'm getting the hang of this filming, though it still isn't perfect. Hope you like it.

I really didn't know where this page was going to take me.

Somehow it made me want to draw a sleeping lady.

So I did and she made me feel peaceful and calm.

The quote is by Anne Morrow Lindbergh and it reads: "For sleep, one needs endless depths of darkness to sink into. Daylight is too shallow, it will not cover one."

I feel it fitted perfectly and poetically with my little journal page.

I love this picture from La Dolce Vita, just the thing I would like to find in my dreams.

I really like how this page turned out. It has been a while since I painted a face. I think well over a month now, I was somehow dreading it. Oddly enough painting faces touches me emotionally and I don't always want that. This one doesn't leave me emotionally drained, so I'm happy.

Thank you all so much for watching and I wish you sweet dreams.

Also linking this to:


  1. Monique, your art work is nothing short of stunning... Amazing watching how that page came together. Your tags and holders are out of this world too!! Beautiful.


  2. WOWWW!. Both your ATCs and journal pages are beyond stunning!!. Wonderful to see the process of making the pages, love the shadow intricate detail on her face :). Sweet colors too!

  3. OHHHH... textiel en draadjes op je pagina... dat ik dát nog niet zelf heb gedaan... of eigenlijk ooit wel maar dat is is zo lang geleden dat ik het weer vergeten was... dank voor de inspiratie! Heb je filmpje (nog) niet helemaal afgekeken - heb zo een afspraak - maar hoop later deze week terug te komen. Foto-transfer gaat mij altijd wél goed af, maar ik gebruikte nooit een zwarte achtergrond en pak het ook anders aan (laat een nacht drogen!) - moet nu rennen... dagdag - fijne avond nog!

  4. Really beautiful work again! Valerie

  5. Oh wow!! Love the pages! Amazing work with both.

  6. Ooh wow,this pages looks amazing,wonderful process of making this,love this lady of dreaming is sooo beautiful eyes and have a wonderful mood,love it to much.
    the atcs great to,love the grungy look.

    Greetings Jeannette

  7. wow schitterende creaties, mooi van kleur ook! 'Groetjes Karin

  8. How wonderful! The texture and insight into your wonderful world is magical!

  9. Super leuke , mooie en aparte pagina Monique.
    heb ervan zitten genieten.

    Groetjes Janny

  10. Many thanks for stopping by earlier ! Love your SofC projects - I was struggling to think how I would work something up in pink & grey but you have inspired me ! Ali #28

  11. I really like both of these pieces. The book and key is so rich and ancient looking.

  12. Love those ATCs and matching wallets - just wonderful... and the painting on the pages is just amazing. Astounding work, as always...
    Alison x

  13. So pretty. The colors are so rich.

  14. Love the pagews so beautiful and full of texture.

  15. MOGoodness - the journal pages are simply stunning :-D

    IKE xxx

  16. This is beautiful, Monique! I love that you did a video - I like seeing how other people work :) It was interesting how you started out with dark, then went light, then darkened it again.

  17. these are stunning, Monique! I was so sure I visited yesterday, so thanks for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment!
    happy WOYWW and have a blessed week :)
    no. 35

  18. These projects are all so wonderful, Monique. You are truly talented
    Rosie x

  19. Thank you for all you lovely comments.

  20. So dramatic and gorgeous! Love how you used the colors and the women faces are amazing! Enjoy the day!

  21. Gorgeous artwork here, Monique.

    Have a wonderful weekend

  22. wow die ATCs sind wieder traumhaft, Monique.
    Aber deine Journalseiten sind der absolute Hammer und sehr beeindruckend!!!! Ganz liebe Grüße Dagmar

  23. Love the ATc's, they have turned out ebautifully and you made me smile... when my mojo departs for sunny shores without a forwarding address or I am ill, or stuck on something.. I head to ATC's and make those till it all settles back to normal again!
    Your journal pages have turned out absolutely stunning, wish I could do pages like that!
    Thank you for the info on the embossing folder, I have located them and ordered them this morning!! Yay!! Annette

  24. those pages are really lovely and I love the way you use the colour prompts and combine them with so much texture... love the layers... happy week 4

  25. LOVE those two ATCs, Monique!

    And I do the same when I get stuck with a project... sometimes even working on three projects simultaneously. It is so important to let those things develop on their very own speed (even if it isn't MY speed at all ;).

    Claudia x

  26. Great ATCS &....mmmm....very dreamy pages!

  27. WOWZERS!!!! The ATC's are wonderful the vintage look, but the journal pages are over the top amazing! They look more like a canvas! The texture is just fabulous!!!! Her face is beautiful! Thank you for sharing your wonderful work with us here at Simon Says Stamp & Show!

  28. Absolutely stunning in color and design- a joy!

  29. Monique, your ATCs are so beautiful. And so are your journal pages. Great post.

  30. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog. :) I really enjoyed your post. Love your new shelf and your recycle material storage. My recycle materials are slowly taking over my house. Your projects this week are just beautiful. I haven't finished my SOC work for this week yet. (my paint just came from t'day…YEAH!!!) See ya next week… (((HUGS)))
    WOYWW#18(changed from #7)

  31. Love that journalpage. Really beautiful!

  32. What a gorgeous post filled with so much art! I especially love the ATC's with their gold shimmer and tiny keys.

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

  33. Wow Wow Wow! Your sweet ATC´s with the folder to hold...such an lovely work! So much love you put it! and the journal page is very cool with all its texture...even if I have seen the vid on you tube I enjoyed to see the close ups ♥ Conny

  34. I am in awe of your art work! Both of your pieces are absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for sharing the video with us, too! You used this week's SOC colors to perfection!

  35. Wow, this is just wonderful! Love all the textures, colours, the images and the sentiments. Gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show!

  36. I love this colour combo and your ATC's and journal page.

    Happy belated WOYWW

    Kyla #50

  37. Oh my gosh. This is stunning, your journal spread is so juicy with texture, I bet it is a delight to actually touch it. Really beautiful work. Stunning!! :)

  38. WOW!....Monique... Both your ATCs and journal pages are stunning!!. Thanks for sharing the wonderful process of making these fabulous pages :)

  39. I don't know what you think is wrong with your video - absolutely amazing and so inspiring. Your journal page is just so, so lush. I love the kissing couple and the face peeking through. The texture is glorious.

  40. Love Love Love your awesome page! I left you some love on your youtube channel. I thought you did great!

    Didn't see how to email you-would love for you to be a guest designer for our store/blog: Outlaw Women Emporium.

    Please email the owner Robyn if you'd be interested. ;


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