Saturday, March 23, 2013

And then there were Tattered florals

I have been wanting to do more with flowers on my projects, because I do love how they look and how they can compliment a piece. I ordered the tattered florals die, as I expected this to make flower making easier.

Yesterday my tattered floral die finally arived and since there was still time for the tattered foral challenge over at Tim Holtz's blog, I thought I might enter into the challenge. While simultaniously getting some experience in making and working with the flowers.

So here's my entry for the challenge

I had a little tin box for pens, that used to belong to my kids. It had some cartoon figures printed on it, so I alcohol inked it black. I started by making some fabric florals with the die and coloured them with some distress stains and some red velvet glimmer mist and hung them upside down to dry. I then gathered some laces that I thought would be nice and layed out everything to play a bit with the design.

The paper flowers on the right were also made with the tattered florals die. I did feel there needed to be more flowers in the design, so I started making a bunch. Cutting them with the die is very easy, it slices through several layers without any difficulty.

That's a lot of flowers, well at least I thought they were. I dabbed some black soot distress stain in the center and sprayed them with red velvet glimmer mist.

I then stamped my new butterflies and a tiny script stamp randomly on top of the flowers

I like what was left behind after removing the flowers.

Now it was time to assemble the flowers. I cut the petals of the biggest florals a bit and then curled the petals backward and glued three of those together.

The petals on the smaller flowers I curled upward toward the heart of the flower and also glued three of them together. I applied pressure to the middle of the assembled sets with a rounded pen to form a cup shape.
I then glued them together and once again applied pressure with a round pen.

I now had a pile of flowers and I could continue to the next step, wich in my case involves making a huge mess....

So on to the next step, assembling it all and playing around, altering things as needed. Getting really dirty fingers from the alcohol ink and, plainly, just having a ball.

So here are some pictures, taken after I decided I had to stop...I think I put enough on there =).

So yeah, finished in the nick of time, I guess. I love how it turned out and I love the flowers. The box will be a gift for my daughter and I think (hope) she will like her little pandora's box, she can keep her trinkets in there.

I hope I didn't overload you with pictures, but I was so pleased with how it turned out, that I couldn't help myself. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did making it and I wil now go and scrub my fingers....bye


  1. This is simply stunning!! I am enjoying visiting your wonderful blog!

  2. thank you, mum. I loooooovveee love love it!

  3. So sweet of you, dear Monique, to leave such motivating comments on my blog. And the good thing: That's how I found you and your inspiring blog. It was an urge for me to become your follower as there is so much to see here, so much to learn that I don't want to risk missing a post!
    In regard to your tattered florals, I hope to find more to see from it soon! Your "Pandora's Box" makes me curious to see more from it!
    Greets, Manu

    1. I see you already found the photo's. Thank you so much for your sweet comments, they made my day just a bit brighter =).
      I too started following your blog, when I found it, because I find your creations beautifull and inspiring, thank you so much for sharing!
      Monique xx

  4. Oh my, how could I oversee that you have really showed plenty of pics of this little box! And your how-to is so inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. Lovely lovely project!! I find this one a very useful die, I have also used it very successfully with clearly for art using a Wendy Vecchi technique - yum! Missed Tim's challenge I have been so busy this month but I will go and look at all the 700 entries at some stage! Thanks for following my blog, Cindy

    1. =) that's a lot of tattered florals, I must admit, I only visited about 10% of them...
      You made me curious about the "Wendy Vecchi" technique, so I will now go and google it =)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. oh my oh my gosh - I was surfing on your Blog (to get some inspriation :-) and I found this project this is so totaly amazing I am just speakless WOW! such a lot of details and so much work - wow!
    xoxo SanDee


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