Thursday, March 21, 2013

First journal entry

Yesterdag I started working in my brand new art journal. Trying to keep in mind that this journal is for expressing myself and trying out new techniques and material.

In keeping with that, I tried out my new stamp that came yesterday and 2 new stencils. I started playing and trying out what would happen.

I started with a background done in pastel, with a big flower on it. I used the stencils to apply some structure paste. Played with some colour, glimmer mist and acryllic paints. Added a white wash and completely lost the flower. I added some flowers I made for another project, but later deceided I didn't need. They fit perfectly with the colours on this page.
I stamped the butterflies on a seperate piece of paper, tore around it and distressed it.
The 2 is a die cut and the letters came from varous newspapers.

I did like where it was going, though, so I continued. Took some pictures to put a little distance and perspective between me and the page, wich ususally helps with things like this.

I did like it, but felt it needed a little extra...wich I did...added some red acrylic drip and toned that down with whitewash and rub 'n buff. Then added the black die cuts to the left.

This, I didn't out came the pastels...they can hide a multitude of sins...

Now this, I do like, so I think I will call it a day for this page.

Here are some close-ups.

So yes, art is just another way to live your life. I need to keep that in mind.

next time I will try to make more progress pics, but I do find that difficult to remember when I'm busy working on a page, or anything really.
Should you have any questions, remarks or tips, please leave a comment below. Thank you for watching and I hope you liked it.


  1. Fabulous page, love all the techniques included.
    Avril x

    1. Thank you so much, for your kind comment, Avril!
      Monique xx

  2. Gosh, Monique your art-journal is stunning! I had to make a close-up of every image. There are so many details to see! You must have spent ages to work on it...

    1. Thank you, Manu.
      It's funny how in these art journals and most of this smaller work, for that matter, the details seem to make the page. Before I started doing this I have made several large paintings and though detail does make a differance there as well, it doesn't seem to play as big a role.
      Mostly, I guess, due to the fact that you have to stand quite a way back to see the entire painting =).
      I do find it difficult though, to keep my distance to a page...

  3. Beautiful pages love your technique x


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