Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ready for use

Last night I finished my new art journal. I can now finally start using it. Though I must admit, I cheated a bit and started filling in some backgrounds while I was waiting for various components to dry.

So without further ado, here it is...

I forgot to make any progress pics while assembling the book, as I did in my previous post on the making of this book. I did take a shot when I finished the spine and  laid the covers and spine next to each other, trying to figure out how I would put it all together.

I wanted the book to be sturdy, as I do expect some abuse, since I am not a gentle crafter. I also wanted it to be able to open really wide. In the end I went with a fairly large gap between the spine and the covers. Mounted it al on some distressed muslin, reinforced with a paper backing. I attached some embellishments to the spine and the front cover. Keeping it rather plain, again with the planned abuse kept in mind. I then glued the front and back covers to the book and took some lace to tie it all together. I left the lace loose, so it wouldn't be in the way while working in the book.

The fabric backing peeks out from the sides of the book with frayed edges and gives the book a nice strokable feeling when holding it.

I still have some touching up to do with alcohol inks on the brads of the spine and maybe the copper wire on the bookplate.

As I mentioned before, I did start some backgrounds already, so now I just need to start journalling in it.

And here is the back cover, wich I left completely plain.

I entered this book in the following challenges:
Should you have any questions, remarks or tips, please leave a comment below. Thank you for watching and I hope you liked it.


  1. Monique wow...truly stunning and what a joy it will be to watch you fill the pages!!
    Thank you so much for linking up a eclectic Paperie.

    1. Thank you for your kind comment, Tracy, and thank you for subscribing =)

  2. HI Monique, What very creative projects, love all of your little books and the wonderful techniques you have used. Look forward to seeing more in the future as I have now become a follower.
    Avril x

    1. Thank you, Avril, I'm glad you like it =) and thank you for subscribing.

  3. Your journal looks fantastic, Monique!

    Love the aged metal surface you created!!! Awesome!

    Hugs and thanks for visiting my workdesk,

    die amelie

  4. Now I keep asking myself, how you did this wonderful book cover... And I keep asking and asking and asking... I just NEED to try this myself... I will spend my hole Sunday afternoon thinking about your extravagant alchemy of turning paper into metal :-).

  5. All I can say is WOW! I'm so excited about finding your blog and all the deliciousness in it - you've reinvigorated my love of creating books and I hope to try one like your journal soon! xx

  6. Absolutely wonderful! Thank you for the tutorial in the making of your journal.

  7. I appreciate this was done a while ago but I just came across it on Pinterest. I have read first post & this..... Wow!! Rusty, metallic, a bit vintage, that wonderful "been around for years" look (& I suspect feel). I admit, I get a bit lost with some parts but that's me, nothing to do with your concise, clear description. My brain cannot "get it" when binding, measuring spines & covers etc. Frustrates me madly as would SO like to make my own. However, for me, the genius here (imho) is the look! If I saw it without knowing, I would think it was all the things I listed above. Absolutely brilliant! Kudos. C


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