Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I wasn't going to write a post today, because there's not much going on realy. I've been taking a break from crafting and blogreading etc. Trying to prepare myself for going back to work next month. Trying to get into the right mindset.

I have been doing some painting, but somehow not in my art journal. Just on some old 12"-12" scrapbook papers that I didn't like.

On my desk you can see one of those art journal paintings. I do consider them art journal pages, because I do journal on them. That is, I dump the contents of my brain into my arm and out through my fingers onto the paper. I don't stop to think and just let it all out. The same way I write in my day book.

You can also see my attempt to get more organized in my personal life as I am looking for a way to make sure I won't make the same mistakes I used to make. So I've been looking into the whole filofax thing, but I find those way to expensive. Specially since I'm not at all sure this is how I want to do this.

So I bought a very cheap leather planner with a ring binding, adjusted it and decorated it to my liking. I am liking it so far, well all except for the rings. I just don't like the rings. I keep bumping into them when I write and it bothers me.

For now it'll do and I do think it's cute. For the future I want to make one myself. An expandable system without rings, somehow ... I might have to dig out my sewing machine for that, but we'll see how it goes.

Here's a little close-up of the lady on my desk.

She's not finished yet, but I do like the colors. I'm hoping to make her for Art Journal Journey, since she would fit the theme "square" nicely, but, again, we'll see how it goes. You can find the link for Art Journal Journey in my sidebar.

Anyway, I've been talking way to much again, especialy for someone who wasn't going to write a post... If you want to know what this "WOYWW" is all about and want to check out what other artists are up to, check out Julia's blog Stamping ground.

I'm off now to check out some other workdesks and I wish you all a wonderful week.


  1. great workdesk ... great booklet -- great page Monique...
    so good that you are back from holiday!


  2. Love the use of old scrapbook paper. So much to see in your posts, and love what you are doing with the 'reminder book' I agree with you about the rings, they are so irritating when trying to write. Look forward to seeing your solution. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #50 xx

  3. Love your journal pages, so free. Happy WOYWW

  4. Hi Monique thanks for popping by. I love the idea of using you least favourite 12 x 12 papers for painting canvases. I love your portrait but I am sorry to see that she has been naughty ;-) Makes me wonder what you are going to journal about!!!!! Happy WOYWW from Helen 71 x

  5. Hi Monique! I just received today your amazing package and the booklets! I just love them! I´m in fire ;) I posted in my blog those if you want to look. Here is the link: THANK YOU SO MUCH! You are an Angel!

  6. Hi Monique, great way to use up 12x12s - I've got some hideous ones that came in paper stacks - hadn't thought of journaling over them but I think you might have started a trend here! Love your new planner but I know what you mean about the rings, I bet a solution will come to you in the night sometime! Thanks for your visit, have a happy week. MMx #33

  7. Just love your style of journaling and thought that a great way to use up awful paper. The organizer is great. I always found the Filofax was too complex for me. I basically writ one word for each project of the day and then a to do list and calendar on 'puter. I look at the one word, then the calendar. No matter I can still forget it all if that's pre morning coffee. Good luck with working.
    Monica 81

  8. Great page and such a good idea. I have been looking at some 12x12 papers today and wondering why on earth I bought them :-( Happy WOYWW Anne x #90

  9. I love that page. I admire you that you express your thoughts in the way you describe. I find it quite difficult to just write what I feel like that. It might be because I have taught Literature for so many years it's made me way too self-conscious about what I write. I think I need to chill out a bit about this, as journalling could be such a release. Maybe if I wrote to my journal like Anne Frank did to Kitty it would help, I could then imagine I was talking to a friend? Thanks for your visit earlier. Good luck on your return to work! Julie Ann xx #35

  10. Fab desk Monique. I love your painting, beautiful colours and a serene and soulful expression, what a wonderful way to use up unwanted 12x12s. Ha ha ha I think I could do with an organiser like that too!! I love the way you have sourced a cheaper alternative and made it your own, brilliant job sweetie.
    Hugs x

  11. Beautiful lady on your desk! It's great to get organized!

    Heather #107

  12. so many people are doing journals right now and I like the way you explain how you do your journals,
    I think you could easily make yourself a ring binder to keep your organised
    Have a really great WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week
    Hugs Ria #85

  13. Hi thanks for stopping by earlier ! Love your journal page - she seems very melancholy ! Suits my mood at the moment - maybe that's why I am likely it so much ! Ali #30

  14. Now that's a real art journal - love it! Happy Wednesday.
    Sue x (MiniOwner@65)

  15. I love to journal also; just let it all out. Keep it up.

  16. I so agree with you about to many binder rings in a book pain in the arse lol and I flip the cutting board over when I want it to look slightly neater :) hugs Nikki 22 thanks for the visit

  17. great idea to paint on the scrapbook paper, love the girl. I like your other book too, you do all your writing in, nice dragon.

    good luck in working out something suitable for you to work with.

    Lynda #94

  18. I like your lady. :) Haven't gotten into the filofax thing, but yours looks colorful. thanks for stopping by my blog. WOYWW#120 :)

  19. Just Love your lady,i love the blue hair :-)
    You have a great destkop.

    Greetings Jeannette

  20. You look really organized to me. I am trying to trim the fat and get down to what I use. Stuff can be overwhelming.

  21. Oh I used to love my filofax but then would forget to use it for a week or so... I think this way you will have a lovely journal of your thoughts. The big journal page is great, love the gilrs face with the writing. Apologies for my late arrival of doing the round of WOYWW desks! Annette #6

  22. I must live in a cave, because I had never heard of filofax until now. But if Annette has one, it must be expensive (grin).

    I like how you don't waste anything. Using old scrapbook paper is brilliant. And the face is wonderful.

    Yes, I'm very late, but glad you stopped by TWICE for a visit. Happy slightly late WOYWW from #10 and so sweet of you to also visit for Friday Smiles. I'll be back to check out that binding tutorial, too.

  23. So beautiful your journal writing and drawing!...your planer looks very practically for me :) and love the bold colors from the lady ♥ Conny


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