Saturday, August 24, 2013

Secret Belgian binding tutorial

A while back I made a little booklet as a test for a swap. The booklet was bound with the Secret Belgian binding method an I promised to make a tutorial for this binding method.

There are several fabulous written tutorials for this type of binding online, so I won't do that. Instead I made a video tutorial, showing you how to bind your book with the Secret Belgian Binding. I haven't found any other You-Tube videos with this type of binding, so I can't link it to any other videos for reference.

I hope you will find this video tutorial helpful.

I had to break the video up into 3 parts, because it would've become to long otherwise. I did think about cutting parts out, but I guess this works as well.

There are 3 parts of 13-15'. The first part is mostly preparation.

The second part is the binding of the covers.

The third part is binding the signatures to the spine.

This was my first time making a video this way. I'm still learning how to do things properly and getting to grips with the talking while doing bit. I think it went alright, but should you have any questions or suggestions after watching these video's, please just leave me a comment and I'll get back to you.

Here are some close up shots of the booklet(s).

This book will be a n Art Journal for my personal use, so I decorated the cover a little.

I used some stamping and an old map of the Netherlands.

I also glued some napkins with 100 dollar bills on them to the covers.

This is the template I used to prepare my covers.

And the measurements, should you like to use these.

The covers and spine will fit A5 sized signatures (folded from A4).

I hope you like my booklet and you find the tutorial useful. It's a realy fun type of binding and although it may look complex, it realy isn't. So I hope you give it a shot.

Have fun binding you booklets or being creative in any other way =) and I wish you a wonderful weekend.

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  1. Wauu! Thank you Monique for sharing the videos about this interesting binding. I may have to try that some day! Have a nice weekend!

  2. Beautiful work, thanks for making the videos! Valerie

  3. Very beautiful Monique and thanks for the videos.

    Greetings Janny

  4. Oh wow dear Monique!
    I am very happy about this tutorial...
    so much work to show this to us...
    thank you so much!

    lovely, artsy and professional work!

    xxx Susi

  5. I am so impressed by your ability to do the book binding. Your journal is wonderful and the cover is gorgeous.

  6. OMG Monique, you really are a diamond my lovely. I had a look at some of the written tutorials available and as good as they are it still always helps more to see someone doing the stitch in real life - thank-you sweetie. Ha ha ha you have just made me more determined to have a go now!!
    Your journal is stunning by the way, I love the dollar napkins you have used, beautiful work and I bet you can't wait to get going on those fab black pages.
    Huge hugs x

  7. Wow, what a great journal this is. I'll come back when there is more time to view the videos. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Wat ben je toch heerlijk bezig Monique, ziet er weer mooi uit

  9. Thank you for taking the time to show this method in detail. I will certainly be trying it.

  10. Dank je wel Monique! Goede tutorial! Ik wil er binnenkort ook een maken.

  11. Beautiful work that show us, I love to make that kind of bookbinding.
    hugs from spain

  12. Thank you all for your lovely comments.
    xx Monique

  13. Thank you so much for making this tutorial Monique. I will definitely give this a try - you made it look and sound so interesting and the finished article is very nice. Margie x

  14. Stunning binding technique - your books are real works of art. I promise I'll be back for the videos!
    Alison xx

  15. That looks fabulous, Monique. I haven't tried that binding method before, but having a book where the pages lie flat would be very useful. Must give it a go.

  16. You explain things very clearly. thank you for a well done video tutorial. I've marked the spot for future reference.

  17. Great Tutorial. Thank you. I shall set to work! Trine

  18. Thank you so much for the great tutorial. I'll definitely try to do one. I loved your notebooks

  19. I've now watch all three videos and thank you for great inspiration.

  20. Hello. I think your videos are awesome, instructions very clear, good close up shots and you were very organized. You must be a 'natural' teacher. dank Ye wel!! Hugs, Tilly from NS,CANADA

    1. Thank you Otellie I glad you found it helpful =)


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