Sunday, August 25, 2013

You must break out...

The theme for Art Journal Journey this month is "Square/Quadrat".

I did not have a plan in mind when I started working on this. I didn't even work in my art journal. As I had some trouble getting back to normal life after my vacation.

I did take some progress pics while I was working on this and some detail shots... so be warned, this is a picture heavy post =).

I used a Square 12-12" scrapbook paper that I didn't like and started gluing on some strips of paper and some decoration tape from an evelope I received.

Gave it all a white wash.

Drew on some Squares and rectangles with my new watersoluble oil pastels.

Painted in the Squares with acrylic paint and drew new Squares with a white paint pen.

Dumped the content of my brain onto the paper with black india ink. Writing in Squares around the paper edges.

And then wanted to cover it all up, so I did.

After covering most of the underground I did some more journalling...

And drew a face peeping out from behind, what appears to be, bars. A lady in jail...

I proceeded by painting her and this is what I showed you last wednesday on WOYWW 220.

I found a quote that spoke to me and I felt was just right for this page, but then I got held up by making the video for my Secret Belgian Binding Art Journal, so I didn't finish her untill today.

You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown. -Dennis Waitley

The video is also right ouside my comfort zone, so I did take the quote and ran with it.

I'm actualy rather proud of my video. I dreaded making it, but it came out ok. Though I still have to work some on the sound settings.

I wrote the quote on the black "bars" with a white paint pen.

I didn't print it, like I would normally have done.

I actualy quite like my handwriting this time.

So I guess all the journalling I did when on vacation, helped with this as well.

I drew and painted her rather fast and intuative. Not striving for perfection.

Trying to break free from my own jail and stepping outside my comfort zone.

I also splattered some black and white ink over the page.

Well technicaly, it is not a page, not yet anyway. I don't know what it is.

Just trying to think outside the box here.

So that's where this months prompt "Square" from Art Journal Journey took me and I like it. It got me thinking and set some things in motion.

I'll leave you with all my best wishes and hope you have a wonderful week.

Also linking this to:


  1. Beautiful square piece, loved all the pictures of the progress! Valerie

  2. Oh wow .. that is WONDERFUL Monique!
    and I really love all the great progress pictures step by step!

    Thank you for this great sharing and thank you for joining the square theme over on Art Journal Journey...
    I have planned to try out the special binding...
    oh my... my to do list gets longer and longer!!!

  3. This is so inspiring. I find it difficult to like my own writing on journal pages and I think I should try to be bolder about this too. I love your video. I also am beginning to have a 'to do' list that gets longer and longer! Thank you, Monique for all the inspiration you give! Julie Ann xx

  4. Wat een mooi proces Monique...prachtig eindresultaat

  5. Ooh Wow,Monique,your suqare journal is amazing,beautiful colors and squares,loooove it to much!!!
    Thanks for sharing to step by step video,its very wonderful and interesting :-)

    Greetings Jeannette

  6. Monique, this page is real interpretation of your mind now! so it has come out beautiful!
    thanks for sharing unique tutorial for binding, will be very useful!

  7. Very inspirational fab journal page Monique

    Annie x

  8. Oh, I love seeing all those in-progress shots and reading about your thinking-process. The end result looks great and very spontaneous. Wonderful work!

  9. Great video on the secret Belgian Binding! I suppose there is no danger of the spine falling out?

  10. Thank you all for your sweet comments.
    @goudenregen, I sent you a mail. The booklets are holding up just fine so far =) and I do tend to play with them... alot =) (just testing them of course...)

  11. Eine wunderschöne Seite. Sie gefällt mir sehr!
    LG Barbara

  12. Thank you for taking the time to take us along on part of your creative journey Monique...
    I enjoyed your photos very much and your final results are WOW!
    I find it takes me longer and longer to readjust to everyday life after we've traveled...part of me still wants to be wandering I think ;)
    Looking forward to watching your video a little later on today...

  13. Unbelievably cool pages, Monique - such layers of depth and detail, with all those words building in power as they go... I'm looking forward to coming back to enjoy the video when I've got some more time to play with, but for now, thanks so much for playing along with us at Our Creative Corner.
    Alison x

  14. A magnificent page Monique. There's so much laying underneath the surface on this it is as though you have aged the page in a short space of time. Great end result. Thanks for joining us at Our Creative Corner. Hugs, Jenny x

  15. I love this "picture heavy post", it's so good to see all the steps that made this fascinating picture with so much depth. I do like your "lady in jail" ha ha! I started watching your book video and am now going to settle down to watching it in its entirety, it's looking very good.

  16. That's a wonderful page, great colors and saying.

  17. Very interesting page - gorgeous strong, bold colours and the quote is very true too - even though it can be scary to take that step sometimes...:-)

  18. This is gorgeous, Monique! Love the colours and the textures and the thoughts behind it.


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